Wednesday, 29 February 2012

I Have a Voice

I have a Voice
            I have a question for you, which is, do you have a voice? It appears on the surface to be something strange to ask but I ask such a thing as most people think they have one and yet seldom use the power they have to truly make themselves heard.  Some speak like a clanging bell others like clacking chickens who think they are being heard when really they are only being observed.
There are those who are too afraid to speak up or speak out, and in dark corners such people whisper to each other, fuel their own fears about the way they are treated, and behave as though they are children afraid of the dark. 
Then there are those who having been confused by life’s hardships are unable to express themselves, losing in the turmoil of their minds all clarity of thought and in not knowing how to talk let their anger rage at all that pass them by, forcing those that can hear to become closed off to their protestations, and so their story which might be so desperately told in the end falls on deaf ears. 
And the poorest of us could have riches beyond imagining if we could but tell our tale in a manner that moves others hearts so that even the most ardent opponent is willing to strain to listen to what is being said.  My heart goes out to all those that have a voice whose cries remain unheard.  They struggle in the dark of being unrecognised and when they shout so that people might hear their anguish they are often misjudged.  For people make themselves known in many different ways.  They may take to the streets and riot out of desperation and naturally be rebuked for doing so; they may occupy lands that are not their own, they may protest in their thousands or lie homeless and forgotten on streets that have no name hoping beyond hope that their voices may be heard. 
They may take to social networks and spread their word through so many means still such words may fall on the deaf, the dumb and the blind those that are unwilling to hear, speak of, or see other peoples sufferings that are not their own.  And why does this happen when all are equal and deserving of compassion and love.  Could it be because people deny to others what they would have for themselves?  Preferring to keep to the comfortable norm of Judging others first and in so doing condemn and punish them whether they are in error or not, showing once more how those that live in the dark judge others for being blind when they are blind themselves and so continues unabated the cycle of pain and hurt. 
So the question remains do you have a voice and are you willing to break the cycle of pain and hurt? If so then do not be critical towards others but understanding, do not punish but heal do not hate but love.  All this can be accomplished by listening and acting in a compassionate manner with the realisation that all people no matter where they are from carry burdens, the weight of which can sometimes bear down on them in such a way that they act foolishly.  Try not to be taken in by societies inexplicable attitude of zero tolerance, the only states that were advocates of such a thing were Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Soviet Union and none surely want that again. 
Instead since we all connected inspire others and by doing so you will have inspired yourself remembering that we are all the same beneath the sun and are deserving of encouragement and not embitterment.  We all stare up at the same moon, gaze in awe at the stars, gasp at natures beauty and its magnificence; adore to be loved.  In these days of malice and wanton violence, of wars and earthquakes, of famines and tsunamis, of hurricanes and erupting volcanoes, one thing is constant; that through the darkness of these times is the light of love, it burns brighter than a supernova, more constant than an unmoving mountainous range, as eternal as time, and as unwavering as the vastness of space.  It is for this reason that Love conquers all even the most ardent of tyrants must yield to its spell.  Love that most sort after and precious jewel, that most unifying agent that cries out to be heard, that unwavering flame that cannot be diminished, that light of lights that has so often lived beneath the veil of peoples despairs calls out to be unchained, so the question remains for it to be unleashed, means you must be a willing listener to other people’s concerns.   
            For all the weeping and the oceans of tears, for all the lamentation and tribulation, for all the sorrow and tortured minds that are filled with hopelessness there is a great love waiting for you.  For all the expense that sorrow brings, for all the hardship and despair there is love.  Love the strongest of hopes is free, it has no barrier it does not reside in dark places, hide in cave dwellings, keep to itself, but brings joy to all those that are willing to accept it.  Love is not selfish it does not know the meaning of strange or stranger accepting all as equal in life no matter where they may be from; no matter at what age you may be at, for love is not hindered by time that is why it is eternal that is why it is possible to have love for whomever whenever wherever.  So speak up for Love, speak up for compassion, speak up for tolerance and understanding, for these are the things of great value and do not judge condemn or punish one another for these things are given away cheaply for they are easy to do, being driven by anger, fear and ignorance.  If you wish to give anything away cheaply then make it love; do not do what others do and hoard it miserly in the deepest recesses of your hearts as that is not what love is about, it is not meant to be shunned and driven back but nurtured and spoken of to all; believed in by all.  Do not rebel against the love in your hearts because society tells you to.  And if people speak out against you for having love remember yours is the salvation theirs is the darkness, and after finding the light there can be no turning back, no return to the old ways of seeing yourself in a singular selfish life you will discover that you are not alone that your life no matter how burdened you think it is; is shared by many willing followers of love.  You cease to become just a member of a social network, but instead you become the interlinked all engaging social fellowship of love and when you do that, that is when you will realise that you have a voice.             
Adam David Papa-Adams © 2012 all rights reserved

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Surely it's Fred

It’s Fred

Chris Huhne spoke too soon
His wife spoke too late
But did either make a point
When we wonder at their fate

He says he didn’t drive that car
It was his wife instead
But may be it was neither
It was a ghost named Fred

For Fred does get around
I’ve heard his name before
He is blamed for everything
From the wind to a slamming door

And who knows the truth
Of whose been misled
Could it be Chris Huhne
Or that ghost named Fred

It seems a strange reckoning
For telling the odd untruth
A lifetime reflecting beckoning
For a wrongly worded proof

Perhaps it’s better served
If justice has been deserted
If in the Stocks he’s preserved
Then justice won’t feel perverted

So who really cares
About 3 points or not
Or M.P.s affairs
They don’t matter a jot

And what of Harry’s game
Of cheating the public purse
It must be Fred again
He is a bloody curse

What’s really of concern
Is our public health
And if there's a return
On our misspent wealth

And an end to wars
That drain the public coffers
Or Acts dispensing laws
That put on us the mockers

And if things get tardy
Perhaps they’ll just blame
Some innocent third party
It's that Ghost again

Adam David Papa-Adams © 2012 all rights reserved

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Good To Go?

Good to go?

Am I really good to go?
This the only end I know?
There’s a monument of stone
You are never left alone

The words in loving memory
Suggest some pious sanctity
People lie side by side
Such company when you’ve died

Someone really cares for you
Relationships are built anew
And don’t speak ill of the dead
When they lie in sunken bed

Surely it’s only when they live
Those harsher words you must give
But death deserves such finery
And loved ones given sympathy

I am sorry for your loss
Was he really a good boss?
And others say are you alright
At least he died in the night

So good that you came
Spoke with some sweet refrain
He would admire what’s said
If only he were not dead

But the dead deserve some grace
So I should get off their case
And let them all sleep in peace
While relatives chase what they can fleece

So I guess it must be said
When you’re all good and dead
It is the only time you’ll hear
Good words spoken in your ear
And yet I know the reason why
Good things come to those that die
After death you threaten not
Things in life others have got

For intolerance chases all
Makes acts unknowingly cruel
And jealousy and hurtful pride
Are left behind when you’ve died

What a shame it ends that way
With empty words left to stay
Surely it’s much better served
If in life you had a caring word

And all those that say I’m wrong
Don’t praise or make them strong
For they keep Love to themselves
And deserve the darkness where it dwells

The Poet David Papa-Adams © 2011 All rights reserved

The Rule Of One

The Rule of One

I have often wondered when people speak of riches or the richness of life what they are referring to. I know the things that I value are those of whether or not I am treated respectfully, honestly, decently, as an equal rather than with latent hostility.
I have often been taken aback when people have been vindictive towards others and then afterwards have listened to them explain it away as simply ‘that they were having a bad day‘. To which I would often think that that person has had too many bad days and should really seek help for them.

Of deep concern is that people speak of one rule for one and a different rule for others and yet everyone seems to have a rule for themselves which is different to the one they apply to others; as they like to be treated well but often treat others with distain.
The hostile aggressive language used by some is usually an indication of where they are at in their lives. People at peace seldom raise there voice above a whisper nor indeed have to and are only called upon to do so when they are confronted by the unwelcoming affections of a hardened individual whose thoughtless behaviour is seemingly either a barricade or a pretence that cannot be broken down.

So what makes such people and even states so stiff necked? Well I have earlier in a previous blog informed you of the O.S.M or O.C.M. which governs so much of an individuals or a states behaviour; so I need not repeat it here. My social theory explains the reasons behind so much anger and latent malice in society.

Are we truly waiting for people to be once more burnt at the stake or stoned on the streets before we change. Before people pause to think of their actions and the effect these have on others. Are those who are civilised always going to be beaten back by the barbarian at the gate, until finally out of frustration they react so that all are made barbarous.

People are always calling out for more love in society, more compassion, more tolerance, but the things they call out for are not the things they are willing to give. It does no good to Judge Condemn and Punish others if you cannot do so without a sympathetic heart or at least an enlightened one. And why? Because people Judge each other through selfish eyes applying their personal prejudice on those being judged. People can say to themselves that they do not behave inappropriately but unfortunately unless they first understand their O.S.M. then they are often unable to see the thoughtless harm they do and are living in denial of it.
Is that not a key point, people acting in a thoughtless manner and therefore denying the responsibility of their actions. Forms of aggression, either premeditated or not, are thoughtless and you may say how can any act that is premeditated be thoughtless, well it can be if it is so directed by the O.S.M. after all if a society or world is primitive does it not stand to reason that an individuals behaviour within that world would lack reasoned intelligence.

What I mean to say is that you may not be in control of your actions your actions may be in control of you. For those actions may be habitual and you may be playing out acts that have a close association to addictive behaviour in which case you may have no control over them.
So does this mean that we are all thoughtless well I would say take a look around you at the world we live in, it is not as sophisticated as it should be and stands precariously close to the abyss and when a civilisation stands so near to chaos it is time for people to decide whether they are willing to sit back and let this beautiful world of ours descend into anarchy or whether people are going to stand up for thought, for understanding, for tolerance, for compassion, for reason.

If so then it is time to stop judging condemning and punishing others. It is time to stop using careless language that diminishes what others have to say, it is time not to just think of oneself, or ones own family, but to think that there is a connection between all of us and that humanity is the family.

People talk about why there is one rule for the rich and another rule for everyone else, that is not the case it is just that the rich treat each other richly and the poor treat each other poorly. You only have to enter the home of the thoughtless and see the way that their children are treated in a demeaning, aggressive and discouraging manner to understand why riots occur on the streets. Money is not a discriminator to the way a youth might be discouraged. I do not say that all social groups behave with a lack of understanding, and are therefore a cause of resentment in the youth of that generation; but there are more than enough that do to realise that such a generalisation can be adopted.

People whether rich or poor simply do not know how to communicate with each other hence we have the world we live in today. So I say do not treat each other poorly all treat each other richly acknowledge the value all have and by doing so get their true value from them.
Do not deny people the care that you would wish for yourself because they are not you or from your family or social group you mix with; instead treat them with compassion always; for you do not know the burdens they carry and the torment in their hearts.

For no one is a foreigner to those with compassion in their hearts. So do not build contempt in your heart, for hearts were not meant for that, instead seek the truth of who you are and treat one another with worth and value, treat each other richly and not as this age dictates that people should be treated poorly; and why, could it just be that too many believe in the Rule of One?

Adam David Papa-Adams (C) 2012 all rights reserved